Assistant Professor & Manuscript Archivist -- University of Illinois Chicago Library

Post date: July 24,  2024

The University of Illinois Chicago Library seeks a dynamic and visionary individual for the position of a tenure-track Manuscript Archivist. The Manuscript Archivist will join a department that is responsible for accessioning, processing, preserving, and providing access to materials in all formats.  Reporting to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives, the archivist will provide leadership and expertise in the discovery, acquisition and stewarding of UIC manuscript collections in addition to developing strategies and workflows that surface underrepresented voices. The individual in this position will also provide research support.

This tenure-track appointment includes the expectation that the faculty member will be actively engaged in and significantly contribute to the profession through research/scholarship and service related to professional and scholarly interests.  This includes publication, presentation, and committee work at various levels.   Expectations are further outlined in the norms for tenure-track appointments ( ).    

Salary:  The minimum salary for a full-time twelve-month tenure-track appointment is $71,500. Benefits for a twelve month appointment include 24 days vacation; 12 days annual sick leave with additional disability benefits; 11 paid holidays; medical insurance (contribution based on annual salary; coverage for dependents may be purchased); two dental plans available; life insurance paid for by the State; participation in one of the retirement options of the State Universities Retirement System compulsory (8% of salary is withheld and is tax exempt until withdrawal); no Social Security coverage, but Medicare payment is required. This appointment is covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and UIC United Faculty Local 6456, IFT-AFT, AAUP. 

For more position details or to apply, please click here.