Vision & Strategic Focus


GWLA strives to be an innovative, flexible, and risk-taking consortium. We champion diversity, equity, and inclusion in all activities; advance student learning and success, transform the research and scholarly communications ecosystem through advocacy, collaboration, and making bold decisions together.

Areas of Strategic Focus & Cross-Cutting Themes

Areas of Strategic Focus

Student Success

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Scholarly Communications

Cross-Cutting Themes

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion



Workforce and Professional Development

Innovation and Experimentation

Framing and Infrastructure

Student Success

Develop and provide programs, services, spaces, and resources that promote student success.


  • Identify institutional needs, bottlenecks, and common challenges;

  • Develop programs and responses to address identified needs and challenges;

  • Support OER activities and textbook affordability programs on our campuses;

  • Develop assessment metrics to demonstrate impact.

Sample Activities

  • Provide resources to serve diverse & emerging student populations

  • Develop mentored student employment program

  • Survey students informally about what the library is/should be doing to help them be successful

  • Create/share best practices

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Develop and provide programs that support DEI advancement for our member institutions.


  • Support, promote and develop DEI awareness and activities in our libraries and on our campuses;

  • Encourage exchanges of DEI ideas, resources;

  • Support the IDEAL conference by becoming a sponsor and advocate for attendance by deans and associate deans;

  • Create DEI benchmarks and an annual assessment tool to measure progress;

  • Provide at least one DEI program per year for library deans and associate deans.

  • Develop greater DEI awareness and actionable outcomes by providing education, support, and resources.

Sample Activities

  • Develop fellows/residency to support DEI librarians

  • Benchmark measurable DEI outcomes

  • Share DEI success stories with GWLA members

  • Develop/offer search bias training


Using our collective expertise, GWLA will develop scalable, strategic, and sustainable models of collection development, preservation, stewardship, and access to information.


  • Determine the distinctive collection strengths of GWLA member libraries to enable potential collaborations and programs;

  • Explore shared print possibilities to ensure print formats are available for lending;

  • Develop alternative models for content access;

  • Establish a rigorous data analytics service;

  • Develop and share journal negotiation principles and data analysis;

  • Ensure GWLA’s vendors meet accessibility standards.

Sample Activities

  • Establish data analytics resources and expertise

  • Investigate RA21 impact

  • Collaborative collection development

  • Digital preservation

Scholarly Communications

We will invest in shared infrastructure and expertise to move the Scholarly Communications environment toward open.


  • Pool resources to support shared infrastructure and expertise;

  • Benchmark our efforts that support “moving the needle towards open” -- open access, open data, open scholarship, open educational resources;

  • Enhance and encourage library and non-profit publishing initiatives;

  • Establish a data analytics program to help campuses understand publication patterns at their own institutions;

  • Share resources to enable libraries to lead campus discussions about scholarly publishing, open access, collection models, and navigate difficult campus conversations.

Sample Activities

  • Expand toolkit idea to include costs of collections, research data, and researcher visibility

  • Fund shared Data Analyst position

  • Expand shared infrastructure to include library publishing and research data

  • Create toolkit/talking points about library spending

[Adopted by the GWLA Membership, Fall 2019]