Available Agreements
Agreements for GWLA Members and/or Sister Campuses Only
Name [Start Date]
ACLS Humanities eBooks [July 1]
AM (formerly Adam Matthews) [January 1]
AM Primary
AM Archives Direct
AM Scholar
AM Research Skills
Cambridge University Press Read & Publish [January 1]
Emerald eBooks and eJournals [January 1]
IEEE Electronic Library (IEL) [September 1]
Oxford University Press eJournal [January 1]
Project Euclid Prime [January 1]
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Gold Package [January 1]
Royal Society of Chemistry Read & Publish [January 1]
Sage Learning Resources [January 1]
Sage Research Methods
Sage Campus
Sage Data
Vanderbilt Television News Archive [January 1]
Public Services Agreements
Article Galaxy Scholar
Desk Tracker by Compendium Library Services: Tracking software for reference desk statistics. (Consortial discount for purchase or subscription)
Consortial discounts for scanners, overhead camera and/or flat edged.
Non-Member Surcharge
Please note that GWLA will be implementing an increased non-member fee structure incrementally over the next several fiscal years and is as follows:
FY 2025: 2.5% of your institution’s total invoiced amount, per agreement/per year
FY 2026: 3.0% of your institution’s total invoiced amount, per agreement/per year
FY 2027: 3.5% of your institution’s total invoiced amount, per agreement/per year
If you have any questions concerning the non-member surcharge, please contact Nora Dethloff, Program Officer for Scholarly Communications.
Agreements That Allow Non-Member Participation
Name [Start Date]
Annual Reviews - Complete Collection [January 1]
Annual Reviews - Subject Collections (Sciences, Life Sciences, Biomedical, Agriculture, Physical Sciences, Social Sciences, Economics) [January 1]
Annual Reviews - Subscribe to Open Titles [January 1]
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library [January 1]
ACM Open [January 1]
ASM (formerly American Society of Metals) [February 1]
ASM Digital Library All-Access
ASM Handbooks
ASM Technical Books
ASTM Standards [January 1]
Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) Online [October 1]
BioOne Complete [January 1]
Bloomsbury Products (subscription or one-time purchase)[July 1]
Berg Fashion Library
Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts
Bloomsbury Architecture Library
Bloomsbury Press Drama Collections
Critical Studies and Performance Practice
Drama Collections Online
Globe on Screen 1 & 2
Human Kinetics Library
National Theatre Collections
Royal Shakespeare Company Collections
Stage on Screen
CELUS [October 1]
De Gruyter Research Now eJournals [January 1]
Directory of Open Access Journals [January 1]
Dryad Data Repository [January 1]
Exact Editions [July1]
Foundation Directory Online [August 1]
GeoScience World [January 1]
GeoRef [January 1]
GOBI API [July 1]
MIT D2O [January 1]
ORCID [January 1]
Pluto Journals [January 1]
Sage eJournals [January 1]
Schlager Group [September 1]
Springer/Nature e-journals [January 1]
Springer Read &Publish [January 1]
University of Toronto Press [January 1]
Wiley Licensed Electronic Journals [January 1]
Wiley Licensed Electronic Journals Read & Publish [January 1]
For more information, participation requirements, or to request a price quote, please contact:
Nora Dethloff, Program Officer for Scholarly Communication (gwlastaff@gwla.org)